i can’t believe im saying this…im back…

halloo everyone…

i was ‘retired’ from blogging since the last post…i’m not sure when.. but i had a sudden urge to blog again i’m not sure because of wat….. maybe it had something to do with the things my new lecturer told the whole class… “design is all about bullshitting…..”   i guess i need to learn about bullshitting now…hahaha….

anyway…why did i stopped blogging… its all because of the last semester… stupid timetable, 6 subjects, super tight submission schedule and most of all… i almost spend each and every penny i had in my wallet and my bank account…babi betul… i felt like i paid to learn (duh) and pay to do assignments…

so what i did in the semester break…? i didnt work… i helped my dad and brother with his stuff, helped my mother taking care of little issabelle… and enjoyed my sleep and holidays…. also went out with friends for movie, makan-makan, pool, and talk crap like we use to in zuhal….

i enjoyed it tho…until a week before class… that week went so fast and the next day i woke up….. i need to go to school edi… babi betul…

this time the timetable is slightly better..but the timing is weird… class from 8-12 then 3-6… what am i suppose to do for 3 hours..? do assignment izzit…? management think that it will work for us…let me tell u…it will never help us…it will stress us more instead… why dont they shorten their lunch time back to usual and start the evening class as usual which is 2.30..?? we can go back early… do our assignment at home where there will be more convenient for all of us….   not everyone stay in cheras, who might go back home during ‘lunch hour’ and finish off their assignments… i dont feel the 3 hours break is going to help us at all…its just a long lunch break….haiyo….why la the management wanna do like that…… as if it will help…


first blog of 2010.. also stressed out edi…what a bad strat for this blog…

anyway.. hope u guys will stay in touch with this blog… i believe i will blog like last year again… with pictures, more drama going on…(i hope there isnt any)… and try my best to bullshit to success in the future and earn lots of bucks for that…!!


see ya….



wait….i wanna show u guys little isabelle….

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