Long time no blog….

wawawawawa………… i didnt blog for like so bloody long edi….. sorry people… i’ve been kinda busy and lazy simultaneously…… haha.. first week itself in college i had a funky assignment already… at first, i got a chained message telling me/ the whole class that there will be an esquisse project (means drawing of a model)… but when i went to class, we all were told to make an unidentified flying object… at first i cant understand the relation of drawing and making.. soon i realized that maybe there might be some misunderstanding of the person who started the chained message……. anyway…. we were to group with our junior and i picked someone i knew… and we made…..P1280078at first we made this thing….looked weird…after we sprayed it, it looked even more weird..! so my group mate decided to make a new one therefore i will be the one doing the presentation board and presenting the thing…


hehehe…end up like this…. we need to fly this thing across the pool…anyway…this thing is not the fun thing…hehehe……

 P1280082   my group mate………….the model maker..!!P1280107

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hehehe…. crazy day… the first project isnt like the first project… anyway…

let us look at the sleeping pig of the class…. tido je ……………………………..hehehe… P1280119P1280116

selepas itu…… seminggu kemudian… we went to midvalley to do site research…. damn sien… the site doesnt look suitable of wat we will suppose to do there….haiz… sien.. wat else to do.. we take people taking pictures and… see la…ish..

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selepas saya pulang dari midvalley, i saw this a something on the floor with my name on..!! hehehe…. i got the express tag edi…!!! hehehe…… :P


that’s all for now….. hungry edi…. some people is eating donuts infront of me…. triggering my hunger senses…!!!
