

hello to all..!!!wish you guys  merry christmas and a happy new year..belated…hehehe….

nothing special is done except setting-up my 3ft christmas tree.. small but meaningful..haha..!! i bought it with my own money..!!

before i bought this tree, we use to had a 6ft christmas tree…. but its now recycled i guess… my mother had to throw it away because it was loosing its “leaves” another word…botak..!!


although this little tree doesn’t have much ornaments, it still seemed to brighten up a corner in my house..!! no light because i screwed it up during installation… hahaha..!!


for christmas, my family and our in-laws had dinner in flower drum banquet… too bad there wasn’t any presents exchanging but the food we had worth it all..!!! before we all started our dinner, we took ourselves a portrait…thanks to our ‘butler'-of-the-day’…


first dish—4 happiness..!! always the best appetizer..


second dish—steamed fish with special soy sauce


third dish—roasted piglet!! this one is good..!!!!!!!


  fourth dish—fried oatmeal prawn


fifth dish—vegetarian platter with variety of mushrooms


sixth dish—fried rice( no image shown coz no one wanna eat it… tapau edi..)

seventh dish—fried sweet dessert(no image shown)

eighth dish—fungus and longan with herbs.. don’t you think the black and white thinggy looked like frog’s eggs…yer… but nice..!!


in the end, everyone had a wonderful christmas dinner and had a very good ‘lecture’ about wine by our ‘butler’.. 


he taught us how to choose, store, prepare and drink wine… sounds boring but believe me, it’s interesting and its very kind of him to share his experiences with us.. For this christmas, i’ve not only filled in my stomach with great food but also some wine info..


oops..!!! i;ve forgotten the sharfin..!!! hahahaah..!!! sorry… i dont really like it so i somehow didnt take the picture..hehehe…

P1260523anyway, happy new year to all and i will be back..!!!!!!!!!!!