
halo people..!!!!!!!!

apa khabar…..? saya bayek…..theng kiu…..hehe

anyway…how’s life..? erm..i would say that it doesnt went quite well actually.. i’ve used the most time,sleep,electric  consuming software i’d ever use…3dsmax..!!!! bloody…. nice but no so nice.. i kinda screw it up a few hours before submission… it hung for a while during the load then everything just pop..!! gone….. i didnt know wat to respond….it was around 2 in the morning… i tried to search for it whether there is backup or not… but i cant find it… i gave up and went to sleep in devastation …woke up in total blurriness… i took the wrong train to college…..then in college, i was…i dunno… i seek my lecturer for help… he told me he didnt know what was going on..so he helped me to check what’s going on with it…finally…. he found my back-up file..!!! he saved my life..!!! yay..!!! hehehe….thanks to him…i didnt wanna share my work online but this time, i want to…. it’s really hardwork in it…

perspective 1   interior1  livingroomdiningmasterbedroomkitchenit wasnt professional but it was ok to me… hehe anyway… today after class… i hear bells….from ice-cream vendor… weird..ice-cream vendor in a college compound…..hmm….P1270410

weird and how on earth he can enter..?!?!?! wat happened to our college’s security system…? anyone also can enter..!! keng… what if he wasnt an ice-cream vendor.. a terrorist..!! bomb in that box..!

sorry…i was thinking too much…:P

anyway..nothing to say edi….. bobye..!!