this week has been a stressful week till this very moment i post this blog…. last minutes works has been done; not really last minute actually because i’ve completed some parts of some assignments during the holidays so a bit relaxed while rushing those leftovers…

one of my goldfish died because it was bullied by the new fish i bought last few weeks… the bully actually began a few days ago but i didnt expect that it will be bullied till death… as precaution, i scooped another surviving goldfish to another tank… haiz…

both aquariums need cleaning as the water is getting cloudy and it has been more than a month since the last cleaning……

haiz…. there goes my busy week… next week there will be a group presentation but nothing is done and i really mean nothing..!!!

i just hope everything will run smoothly on next week onwards…

i felt like buying the weight gainer from gnc…. got sale… hehehe…

anyway… that’s all for today… sorry for the un-interesting post of today’s…. i didnt get into anything special and bloggable after mugen’s birthday….