week of HORROR..!!!

i’ve not blog for a week due to assignments of course… i’ve never been so busy before in just 1 week.. not that i do all last minute but the fact is, those works cant be done too soon…!!


remember my last post about the model and stuff for design…? monday should be the submission+presentation but somehow only 3 person is picked for the session and we all were asked to bring back our model and stuff for the review day… i was wordless that day… doubting our score might be low as the lecturers might not understand our model and the meaning of it.. i think because of that, some had to redo their model and presentation boards… craziest presentation ever….. totally wordless for that….


it was the anniversary of my birth to earth..!! but nothing to be celebrated because i have another submission on wednesday… no one in my class is free this week… everyone was busy and tired… i did my work together with another 4 of my friends in one of their house… slept over night there of course to do all those works.. we all guided each other and that day was like a crazy day for all… it seemed that we all went cuckoo that day… some even was talking to themselves…


i really went crazy that night… i dont even know what i was doing.. 3 laptops on a small table…haha..!! wtf….fun btw… then at night, we went for dinner with gracia’s boy boy… we all had a loooooong chat that night….really long……. to relax….


submission..!!!!!! only 1 hour sleep before class….sleepless day for the whole day….. we thought we all can go back to sleep after submission; we had to listen to our lecturers about our works individually before leaving… there goes our sleep… NO SLEEP..!! later we went for lunch then prepare for site visit to i dunno where and its expensive..!! 1o bucks just for the bloody bus ride…

P1270014  …….to this old house in the middle of the city.. from i dunno where… i was too tired and busy getting away from mosquitoes…

P1270039…my best part of the house is the office.. i love those classical modern furniture…hehehe…..P1270074 P1270071P1270040

i wonder how this shit got here…. P1270058  opposite this house thinggy, there was an apartment… looked kinda funny… has a pair of bullet lifts… cute but kinda weird to be seen in the city….looked awkward……


due to the busy days before, i slept for 10 hours..!!! hehe… then i went to the zoo for another site visit… it wasn’t so pleasant because i kinda thought i lost my camera on the site visit the day before… i got so worried i almost went moodless that day in the zoo… haiz…. sabar jela… i just had all the fun i can in the zoo to forget about it until i go home and search for it again at home..

anyway… here are some footages from the zoo….


before the journey…i bought this mini fan..!!! hehe…

DSC04585kids..!! hehehe…DSC04733

DSC04580  DSC04589 DSC04592 DSC04613 DSC04633 DSC04663DSC04673DSC04732   this is no ordinary bag….. an orang utan is traped inside.!!

now… images of humans….

DSC04706 DSC04724   P1000228P1000227  oops….hehehe


penguin or me…..??? hehehehe….. P1000273P1000274  P1000340  i was in for the elephant show..!!!! yay..!!!

so that’s all for the week…. i dun wanna talk about friday…. quite frustrating…… anyway….i found my camera..!!!!

so till i blog again…

hopefully i wont be so busy and be able to finish my works on time and blog as well….
